
Damjan Kozole - Rezervni deli AKA Spare Parts (2003)

DIR Damjan Kozole
PROD Danijel Hocevar
SCR Damjan Kozole
DP Radoslav Jovanov
CAST Peter Musevski, Aljosa Kovacic, Primoz Petkovsek, Valter Dragan, Aleksandra Balmazovic
ED Andrija Zafranović
PROD DES Ursa Loboda
MUSIC Igor Leonardi

Embittered widower, Ludvik, spends his nights transporting illegal refugees in his van from Croatia, across Slovenia, and into Italy. The young and inexperienced Rudi acts as his helpmate. Together they become a well-trained duo who almost every night convey "spare parts" to Italy. Of course the story of their illegitimate exports into Europe ends tragically, for everyone. The whole idea of this account is that everyone - including ourselves - is looking for happiness: the "spare parts" because of the misery they are plunged into without, and our characters because they can't find it inside. 

Peter Bradshaw, The Guardian 
March 12, 2004

Slovenian writer-director Damjan Kozole has given us one of the most powerful and provocative movies of the year - currently only on release in London, but soon, I hope, on show around the country. 

It's about the horrific trade in illegal immigrants into Europe and pulls no punches about what this involves, yet with extraordinary daring, Kozole invites us to sympathise with one of the smugglers. 

Ludvik (Peter Musevski) is a former speedway champ who has drifted into this lucrative business, pocketing fistfuls of euros from desperate souls as they are shoved into his van, waiting to be taken across the border into Italy. 

He is a seedy braggart who after a hard day exploiting sick and shivering human beings and colluding in the rape of their young womenfolk - a well-known smugglers' perk - he repairs to the local bar for an evening of drinking and whingeing about how filthy the world is. 

The episodes that show how the illegals are treated are blood-chillingly horrible; yet Kozole wrongfoots us by opening up Ludwig's pathetic backstory, how his wife has died of cancer and how he is dying too. 

Incredibly, Ludwig becomes human and almost likeable. Without ever seeking to diminish the evil for which he is responsible, the movie makes Ludwig a complex, weak, fallible human being. It's a remarkable film, and deserves to be set alongside Michael Winterbottom's In This World and Stephen Frears's Dirty Pretty Things.


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